Boys'Brigade, Cadet Lieutenant
Track&Field, High Jumper TPJCChoir, Bass2
Hey guys, I am back after one year. It's tough maintaining a blog, especially when you are a JC student. The past year was a hectic one. I was drowned by school stuff and all. This year is going to be worse.
My SA1 is like tomorrow and I have yet to study. This sucks. I can't find any drive to study. Hope that I won't flunk the exams. Anyway, I started learning high jump not too long ago. Starting of the year , I suppose. It's really fun and I start to clear higher heights until recently my leg and back start to hurt. Nationals are like a week plus away? And I haven't been training for 2weeks. Damn the injury! It better recover after my SA1.
Here's a short clip. It's real short. Haha. Ain't telling you guys the height.