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「Sunday, March 21, 2010」
「 craving away 4:39 AM 」

Hey guys, I am back after one year. It's tough maintaining a blog, especially when you are a JC student. The past year was a hectic one. I was drowned by school stuff and all. This year is going to be worse.

My SA1 is like tomorrow and I have yet to study. This sucks. I can't find any drive to study. Hope that I won't flunk the exams. Anyway, I started learning high jump not too long ago. Starting of the year , I suppose. It's really fun and I start to clear higher heights until recently my leg and back start to hurt. Nationals are like a week plus away? And I haven't been training for 2weeks. Damn the injury! It better recover after my SA1.

Here's a short clip. It's real short. Haha. Ain't telling you guys the height.

「Thursday, March 05, 2009」
「 craving away 7:14 AM 」

I had the best birthday in my 17 earthly life on 010309(early) and 030309. Let me start by saying a big thankyou to all of those who wished me happybirthday and gave me presents and especially to those we celebrated for me on the monday and the actual day.

It was a day planned long ago by Chelsia, Jane and Gina. Haha they claimed it to be a vday outing then. So I woke up in that sunday morning, prepared to go out and waited for Chelsia to come my house first. She totally wrecked havoc when she came. I had a hard time packing my stuff before she came. We counted my hongbao money (yes i know, I was just too lazy to count), soon after we went out to meet Jane and Gina. Met them at tanah merah and we went to JooKoon. Man I bet the best infrastructure there is the MRT station la. The place is nothing but old industrial buildings. We then went backwards to BoonLay and headed to JurongPoint. We talked and take photos in the MRT. We headed for lunched once we were at JP. Had a tough decision on what we should eat. Three of them were like mumbling among themselves, but little did I know, a surpise is coming right up. We eventually decided on NewYorkNewYork. We sat at the comfortable sofa seats. When its time to order, I had no idea what to eat man. I need something filling. Quantity over quality. But come to think of it, any dishes which enter the NYNY menu would have a standard. I ended up eating a chicken dish, cant remember exactly what is the name. We ated, and shockingly, Gina finished her food the fastest. Haha. Oh man then the suspicious and funny part came. Chelsia left her half-eaten food and left Gina to the toilet. It was still normal then. Talked to Jane awhile. Then she got a call from them. She took the camera from Chelsia's bag and told me they want to go toilet camwhore. I was like 'huh, lol?' Of the many places to take photo, why in the toilet? This was quite suspicious. But I left the thought aside, thinking that was the normal stupid thing girls do. I waited ALONE for 15mins and was proven wrong. They came in with a cake! Followed by a not-so melodious but touching birthday song. I was really caught off-guard, totally surprised. It was a touching scene, haha. Speechless for a few moment before I even said anything as I thought it was a vday outing and also a send-Jane-off day. The cake was really nice, with yellows. Visually its nice, but guess what, it is even nicer tasting it. The specially designed cake was made with love. I love the presents and cards Jane and Gina gave man, especially after hearing they woke up very early to do it. Hahah. Jane and Gina's present was dabomb. It was a YELLOW topman shirt, with their design. Equally matched was the green smiley socks. Guess what it really made me smile when I look at my feet during one of the choir practices. Hahaha. Simple but effective. I think these two presents will match with last year orange present, dont you think so? Lol. They made me changed into the socks and shirt too. Haha. Took photos and walked around JP before going Simpang for dinner.
Thanks for spending the day with me, deeply appreciated what you three have done. Friends we will always be.
(Photos will be up soon.)

I woke up like every other day and prepared for school. I was really surprised when my class sang song for me. I have not even know them for a month. They started my day off well and I really appreciated what they did. They gave presents the following day too. The presents was a Rubiks Snake (for creative twisting) and a dart board. Lol random but was indeed a surprise. Normal school day except for people wishing me Happy Birthday here and there. Thanks for remembering.
After school, gathered with Gabriel, XuanJie, Cheryl, Cyndia and Fabian at the cafe. Mingjun was not there as he was ill that day. When I was msging Chelsia halfway, she called me and told me she was outside my school. Haha at first I thought she was lying, until she repeatedly convinced me. So I went out to find her. She was there! and she gave me present. They were a YELLOW towel and DKNY sport brief. She sewed my name on the towel. Though it can be improved, I still like it as it was made with love. Haha. Oh and damn she expect me to hold the brief in my hands and display for everyone to see. Lol I hid with every chance I could man. We went to TampinesMall as I wanted to buy a Zinc Bag. 25% discount on birthday! Hahaha. She readily agreed to go there, which made it so suspicious. Something was amiss. Zhikang came with us too. So when we reached the interchange, we saw the whole BB gang outside a bakery shop. Lol when they looked so shock and blur, I knew their surprise for me failed. Lol. Chelsia went"WHY YOU HERE I ASK YOU BUY CAKE FR CENTURY SQ SEE LA NOW YOU SPOIL THE SURPRISE" Nelson went "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SPOIL THE SURPRISE LA WE MEET TO GO HOME" Hahahaha very funny man. I kept laughing and pretended not to know there is going to be a surprise. So Chelsia brought me away to TM to walkwalk, while they secretly continued my birthday plan. (Its not a secret anymore, haha) After which, we went to the open plaza for my not so surprised surprise. Lol. They bought a big cake. And those who are in the usual gang would know big cake is a bad omen. Hah. So we take some photos here and there. Had no idea when they wanted to start the cutting cake. So while waiting, I decided to sell the econs book that I found in school. Sadly, no one wanted to buy. Oh when they lighted the candles, Alicia ran into the scene. Oh damn I was shocked. Speechless for quite awhile. I didnt expected that she came. Haha thanks alot for coming, greatly appreciated. So we went on cutting the cake. When it was time to eat the cake, the guys gathered and discussed something, while I was talking to Alicia. Confirmed in up to no good. Soon after, ChongRui took two pieces of cake woth both hands and offered them to me. I stood a distance from him as I know there is no reason to offer me two cakes unless he want to smash it in my face. Told them to put on the floor and I take myself but he refused. So he offered the cake to Chelsia. Yes, she took both cakes. One in her hand, the other in her face. Hahaha. Damn it man. The line "Once bitten, twice shy" sure doesnt work for her. Lol sorry but it was quite funny till now. Alicia was shocked man, but definitely not the others. They are laughing away. So she went to clean up and soon alicia went home. We ate dinner and took more photos, bought my bag and most of them went home. Nelson, Kneh and I went Keane house for awhile. Did some talking and catching up. Tham also came later. After that we went home. It was indeed a really memorable birthday ever. And I mean it.

Thank You those we played a part in making 030309 one of the best days in my life.
(Photos soon)
Haha another special surprise.

「Friday, January 02, 2009」
「 craving away 4:53 AM 」

I am back to post about my prom night, though it is a month late. But as the saying goes,""Better late than never." Hahah.

Prom night was quite memorable for me and I am sure it also is to others.

The performance went quite well, and thanks again to those who helped out in my dance. Grateful.

I never expected myself to dance on stage but i guess i did it in the end.

Hmm I will just let the photos do the talking.




He sells noodles.

The Man!

AQ man.


How good can she look!


He must be too tired from construction work.

TEAM112. Unforgetable.



A dance I will never forget.



Dance team. Thanks again for helping.


ChunKit and YoungYee. EPPS.

Alicia. Prom partner.

Thanks for such a wonderful night. Haha.

Thats about it. What a night!

「Friday, October 10, 2008」
「 craving away 11:21 PM 」



Byebye :)

「Wednesday, September 17, 2008」
「 craving away 7:34 AM 」

Hey people, I am back. As seen, I have not updated for quite awhile and it is so obvious the hack thing wasn't me. After the Founders' Dinner, everything became bland. Study was the only new thing. There was the National Day Celebration and Teachers' Day Celebration. Hahaha, teachers' day reminded me of the fake Mdm Sim. The smile and thumbs-up sign was hilarious. After that I msg her 'Nice piano playing!' She replied ' I surprised myself too!:)' Haha, how lame can a teacher get. Hmm, we had a class outing on Monday after the physics paper. Sentosa was the spot and there are other classes there too. Played volleyball(not sure if we are even playing that), basketball. And we even dug a huge hole for Kenneth, it was a metre deep down the beach. Disappointment was the usual result as we did not manage to get him in. Ate dinner at Carls Jr. Thats all.

Got back papers today. There were unexpected results like the history which i actually passed with a B4 for 2years. SS was a disappointment though. Same goes to physics. Hope the remaining papers will be better.

Got to get one of these.

33days and counting...

「Saturday, September 06, 2008」
「 craving away 5:15 AM 」



「Saturday, July 26, 2008」
「 craving away 8:12 AM 」

Today was the Founder's Award Presentation Ceremony 2008. I went there with the status of a guest, not a Founders' Man. The ceremony was held at the Singapore Swimming Club. Mr Oi drove us there. Quite an event though. Lots of interactions. Lots of awards receipents. Around 200+ FMs. And after 4 years, my dream of eating this 9-course dinner came true. Haha. Pastor Steven and Daniel Lim was there too, along with MrPoh, MrKhoo, Benjamin's mum and MingJun's brother. Ate and talk and soon both of them went up to receive the award. I must admit that I was still abit bothered on not getting the award. But why brood over the past? After that, we ate and talked more and took some photos too. Didnt take much photos with my phone. Most are in MrPoh and MingJun's camera. Will post them up when i get the photos. After that, MingJun's brother sent us home. It was a good experience see the ceremony and the dinner wasn't too bad either. And my primary school friend from RI, Sean Yap, received the award too. Congrats man.

That's Benjamin saluting to Mr Khoo Boon Hui, Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force.

That's MingJun recieving the award.

That's us.

FM Gan.

FM Ko.

Once again, Congratulations to Benjamin, MingJun, Sean and all other Founder's Man for receiving the award.

Am I going for the next big thing?

「 entries 」